
Ethics of On-Chain AI

I reflect on worst case scenarios with AI on blockchains


Why web3?

I reflect on the reason why I am interested in web3 and why it is a technology that is a natural next step in the evolution of our economy and social structure.


Using AI and ZK for DAOs

In this article, we explore how AI and zk in web3 can be used to enhance the experience of participating in a decentralized ecosystem. I believe individuality and self actualization is the aim of these democratic systems; AI can help us automate while zk helps us remain private (to an extent). People can use DAOs to find their true niche and contribute in a way that maintains their autonomy.


Combining Product Management and Governance

This is a response to an explanation of computer-aided governance and how it is used in DAOs. I expand on ideas regarding the product lifecycle and how it can be categorized with governance decision making and feedback processes. It's interesting to see how product management and governance can be related in the future!
